Wu Li Qing---雾里青

WuLiQing Legend

The 9th December 1984, a shipwreck was rediscovered not far away from the Gothenburg harbour. It was the Götheborg, named after its hometown. It used to be an 18th century wooden sailing vessel and belonged to the Swedish East India Company. Like the more famous British East India Company, the Swedish East India Company’s activity was trade with the Far East.

The Götheborg sank the 12 September 1745 on its return from China loaded with silk, porcelain and tea. Since the place of sinking was quite near to the final destination, the crew could be saved. The ship and its merchandise though were lost, until a team of marine archaeologists rediscovered the precise location of the ship and undertook to excavate it. Among the excavated items were porcelain jars filled with tea leaves. This was not any tea. It was Wuliqing (雾里青).

In Qing Period, WuLiQing Tea have exported to Europe. WuLiQing Tea which is  planted in the Mountains are boared by the "Goteborg", to Sweden, then then transferred other European countriesby the Swedish.it is said that WuliQing Tea was considered treasures tea and popular in the Nobles society. it was very expensive and the Nobels use  jewelry to exchange a can of WuLiQing Tea.
WuLiQing Tea was boarded the Gothenburg3 again in shanghai on June 9,2007. After 10 months world voyage, Gothenburg3 arrived  Gothenburg,Sweden. it takes 300 years to go into Sweden Royal Palace again.

Famous Green Tea---WuLiQing Tea

Wuliqing is a green tea that was in high demand among the Swedish nobility. In China, Wuliqing was known since the Song dynasty under various names. It was said to be a very exquisite and refined tea. Wuliqing was made in the south of Anhui province with tea leaves from wild tea bushes. But its production had been discontinued.

Zhan Luojiu a tea expert and professor at the Anhui Agricultural University had read about Wuliqing and decided to relive its production. After many researches, he located the original location where the wild tea bushes used to grow.

scientific result proves that Wu Li Qing is not only high in minerals and vitamins, but also contains high amount of selenium which may aid in preventing cancer.


The taste and fragrance is delicate and floral in nature, with a hint of magnolia flower note. Very refreshing.


Long and narrow tea buds, each measuring between 1.2 to 1.5cm in length. When steeped, the tea buds stand upright in the cup, occassionally floating down and up as if they are dancing.  

Core original Area of WuLiQing

Core original Area of WuLiQing:

Ke Dian Village,shi Tai County,AnHui Province